
  • 2002 Black Friesian Mare, 16.1 hands
  • Sired by Heitse and Out of Galadrielle, by Night Event
  • Trained inDressage

The Pedigree

Heitse Feitse 293 Jochem
Ordina S Djurre 284
Erma M
Galadrielle Night Event Original
Secret Gala Original

The Progeny

Catalyna2006 Black Friesian Mare

Additional Info

Hidaya is one of the best bred Friesian mares to ever be bred and born right here at Golden Eagle. In a barn of royals, she is the princess and she knows it. She has personality, and doesn't mind showing it either, if it means getting your attention or just outright being a nuisance. Hidaya, is as her lines suggest, bred to be a Dressage champion and that she is! We consider her to be the mare equivalent of Rampart WF, our star retired dressage stallion. She has turned out to be a terrific dam and produces quality foals time and time again. We hope, that with her rare but amazing lines Hidaya will be bred to a wide selection of top Friesian sires to have a few more foals before she calls a end to her breeding career.

The Show Horse

The Accolades

This horse has either not yet been shown or we are currently working on updating our results table.