Los Angeles

  • 2007 Bay Anglo-Arabian Mare, 15.2 hands
  • Sired by *Graphic and Out of San D'Aigo Secrets, by San D'Aigo Starr
  • Trained inHunter Under Saddle

The Pedigree

*Graphic Prom Etogram
Garonna Alcazar
San D'Aigo Secrets San D'Aigo Starr Original
Dream Versace Versace

The Progeny

This horse has not yet been bred.

Additional Info

A beautiful daughter of the Versace granddaughter San D'Aigo Secrets Los Angeles has the promise to be a nice AHAC competitor, but her sluggish beginning movements cost her. We have always had our eye on a *Graphic and Versace (SIM) cross and what a combination as that produced. Angel is hard-working once she's good and warmed up, plus she got her courage from Levi and her flashy movements from *Graphic. A lovely filly that lives to please her handler, she's not the brightest bulb in the box and it does take her a while to learn and often times she has to be taught the same thing numerous times before it clicks. She is naturally shy around the other yearlings and doesn't get along with too many of them. She was carefully bred as well, technically she's a anglo-arabian with 75% Arabian blood and 25% Thoroughbred blood but she's also 50% Polish Arabian and 50% Domestic Arabian blood which shows her diversity.

The Show Horse

The Accolades

This horse has either not yet been shown or we are currently working on updating our results table.