2022 Grey Tobiano Paint x Arabian Filly, 16.2 hands
Sired by BT Concerto Royale and Out of D Katalina, by C Aleksy
Trained inEnglish Pleasure
The Pedigree
BT Concerto Royale
BT Hifzur Rahman
*Concerto CH
WA Pwiotny
Kaneezah Royale F
Serenity Ghazal
Wahed Miracle
D Katalina
C Aleksy
G Allumeria
Karliah AM
The Progeny
This horse has not yet been bred.
Additional Info
At the present time, we offer no additional information about this horse.
The Show Horse
The Accolades
This horse has either not yet been shown or we are currently working on updating our results table.
This web site is fictional. The site is for an educational simulated game. The animals represented on this site are not real and are not affiliated with any real life breeding programs.